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Decree Law on urgent measures for climate emergence

Eliminates administrative barriers to the implementation of wind energy and photovoltaics, and simplifies the processing

The Executive Council has approved a decree law on urgent measures for climate emergence and the promotion of renewable energies. The text eliminates administrative barriers to the implementation of wind energy and photovoltaics, and resolves various aspects of the Climate Change Law that had been declared unconstitutional. The decree law will have to be validated by Parliament in the next 30 days.

To meet the objectives set forth in the Climate Change Law, Catalonia needs 4,000 MW of wind and 6,000 MW of solar photovoltaic installed in 2030. It currently has 1,270 MW of wind and 276 MW of solar energy.

Implementation of wind farms and photovoltaic energy: Decree-Law repeals Decree 147/2009, which limited the implementation of wind farms and photovoltaic systems in Catalonia, and establishes a new procedure for faster processing.

Renewable energies in the urban environment: the norm modifies the Law of urban planning to simplify the installation of renewable energies in the urban area, with the intention of favoring the implantation of systems of self-production in the buildings and in the public space of the cities.

Electrification of the ports: recovered articles annulled by the Constitutional Court, drafted in accordance with the sentence. In particular, the neutrality of CO2 emissions for the 2050 horizon, the electrification of the ports of the Generalitat, the limitation to the fracking or the penetration of the electrical mobility in the sector of the transport is fixed.

Prohibition of coke and coal in new facilities: prohibition to use coal and oil coke in stoves and boilers in new facilities, in addition to a transitional period of four years to replace them with other fuels with less impact .