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Retrievable paid leave

In order to reduce the mobility of the population in the context of the fight against COVID-19 in accordance with Order SND / 307/2020, of March 30, which establishes the interpretative criteria for the application of the Royal Decree-Law 10/2020, of March 29 and the model of responsible declaration in order to facilitate the necessary journeys between the place of residence and work.

The Board of Governors wants to inform on the one hand, that the scope of this provision is for employees and not for professionals (non-employees) who, despite the following, continue to be subject to the requirements of RD 463/2020, of March 14, which declares the alarm status for the management of the health crisis situation caused by COVID-19.

This means that for non-employees the mobility restrictions established in particular by Article 7 of this Royal Decree 463/2020 remain applicable and, therefore, graduate engineers and industrial technical engineers may continue to exercise their normal activity as freelancers.

With regard to the effects of the Royal Decree, it is necessary to mention the authorization to carry out displacements on the part of the salaried engineers who provide services in divisions or production lines of sectors considered essential and that belong to the branch of water, electricity, fire, security, medical equipment, etc. Therefore, all these services are within the protection of the Royal Decree and therefore will be considered as essential services and will be able to continue their activities and allow them to move .

On the other hand, and with regard to Order SND / 307/2020, of March 30, which establishes the interpretative criteria for the application of Royal Decree-Law 10/2020, of March 29 and the model of responsible declaration in order to facilitate the necessary journeys between the place of residence and work, we want to inform you that in this extraordinary edition of the BOE, it is specified that the self-employed can continue to work despite the tightening of the alarm status .

This is the clarification after the entry into force of the Decree that determines which activities are considered essential. Freelancers are outside the scope of their application: they are not self-employed and could not be reclaimed as paid leave. Since they are not salaried, and cannot recover these hours or recover their pay, they can continue to work, both face-to-face and online. If they had workers, they would have ceased their activity

The College of Industrial Technical Engineers of Tarragona continues to provide the members with all the services by means of telematic and non-presence through teleworking