This line of aid will be coordinated by the Institute for Energy Saving and Diversification (IDAE), under the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge
At present, the building stock accounts for 30% of Spain's energy consumption. This aid program will contribute to its progressive decarbonisation until it reaches climate neutrality in 2050
At the proposal of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge (MITECO), the Council of Ministers has approved a Royal Decree regulating the Energy Rehabilitation of Buildings Program (Prée), which will allocate 300 million euros for direct aid to actions to improve energy efficiency in buildings built before 2007, such as changing the thermal envelope or replacing old boilers with renewable options, such as solar thermal or geothermal.
The Prée, provides for a higher percentage of aid for vulnerable consumers, aligns with the policies of economic reactivation before the COVID-19 of the European Union, focused on the energy transition and digitalization, generating an incentive effect on the generation employment and economic activity in the construction sector, as well as those linked to the start-up of electrical and thermal installations.
Similarly, this aid program contributes to the achievement of the National Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC) 2021-2030, which plans a path of decarbonization because, by the end of this decade, 74% of the electrical system is of renewable origin; and with the Long-Term Strategy (ELP), currently under public consultation, which paves the way for Spain to achieve climate neutrality in 2050.
Both documents point to the need to act in the building stock, which currently accounts for 30% of the final energy consumed in the country, to make it fully sustainable by the middle of the century. This “rehabilitation wave” will generate, according to PNIEC estimates, about 48,000 net annual jobs between 2021 and 2030.
Autonomous management
The Prée will be coordinated by the Institute for Diversification and Energy Saving (IDAE), dependent on MITECO. Based on the regulatory bases approved today in the Council of Ministers, the autonomous communities and cities will have to carry out and publish their respective calls for aid.
In the calls published by each region, communities of owners, communities of renewable energies and citizen communities of energy, individual owners of buildings, be they natural or legal persons, groups of owners of buildings, operating companies, tenants or concessionaires of buildings, companies or energy service providers, and local entities.
The deadline for submitting applications will be marked by each region in its respective call. In any case, it may never be later than July 31, 2021.
The 300 million that Prée has, from the National Energy Efficiency Fund, will be distributed among the regions according to the objective criterion of number of first homes collected in the population census of the National Statistics Institute. The cast is set as follows:
- Andalusia: € 51,216,000
- Catalonia: € 48,855,000
- Madrid: € 40,965,000
- C. Valenciana: € 32,961,000
- Galicia: € 17,571,000
- Castile and Leon: € 17,220,000
- Basque Country: € 14,748,000
- Canary Islands: € 13,104,000
- Castalla La Mancha: € 13,065,000
- Aragon: € 8,940,000
- Region of Murcia: € 8,550,000
- Asturias: € 7,596,000
- Balearic Islands: € 7,128,000
- Extremadura: € 7,050,000
- Navarra: € 4,125,000
- Cantabria: € 3,927,000
- La Rioja: € 2,157,000
- Ceuta: € 414,000
- Melilla: € 408,000
This budget may be extended both with new allocations of Energy Efficiency Funds and other financing instruments that are awarded items to the IDAE. In addition, the Prée may be co-financed with contributions from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and, where appropriate, with those that may be established in other instruments and programs of the European Union aimed at economic recovery in the face of the health crisis. COVID- 19.
Eligible actions
The actions eligible for Prée correspond to three types:
• Improvement of the thermal envelope of the building
• Improving the energy efficiency of thermal installations, for example, heating, air conditioning or domestic hot water production, with alternatives such as:
o Substitution of conventional energy by solar thermal energy.
o Substitution of conventional energy by geothermal energy.
o Substitution of conventional energy by biomass in thermal installations.
o Improving the energy efficiency of generation subsystems not included above, such as the heat pump.
o Improving the energy efficiency of distribution, regulation, control and emission subsystems of thermal installations. This point includes home automation systems, monitoring systems and other digital systems that allow better management and reduction of energy consumption of the building
• Improvement of lighting installations.
Actions must be carried out on a residential building; a single-family housing building or a building with a use other than housing, such as health, administrative, educational or cultural. Exceptionally, depending on the type of building or the climatic characteristics, the Autonomous Communities and cities of Ceuta and Melilla may consider eligible actions on one or more homes or premises of the same building, considered individually or on parts of a building.
Actions carried out in newly built buildings, those that involve an extension that increases the built area or volume, and those that involve a change in the use of the building will not be eligible.
In all cases, applicants must prove that the rehabilitation for which they are applying for a subsidy will improve the total energy rating of the building by at least one letter measured on the scale of dioxide emissions. of carbon (kg CO2 / m2 year), with respect to the initial energy rating of the building.
The amount of aid will be 35% of the cost of the action, except in the case of energy efficiency improvements in lighting installations, in which the aid will be 15%. In the case that it is chosen to subsidize rehabilitations in individual houses, the percentage will be of 25% in the case of envelopes and thermal installations, and of 15% in performances of lighting.
Additional support for vulnerable groups
Consumers who are accredited as vulnerable and who are beneficiaries of the social allowance will see their aid percentages increased by 15%. Thus, for example, an action on an envelope could explain a grant of 50% of the cost.
Similarly, Prée applies a 15% improvement in the percentage of aid for actions carried out in residential buildings that are covered by a public protection regime and those located in regeneration areas. and Urban or Rural Renovation.
On the other hand, and to promote the constitution of renewable energy communities or citizen energy communities, these figures will be entitled to additional aid depending on the eligible expenditure, reaching an additional 20% in case of improvement of envelope thermal.
Incentive for efficiency
In order to encourage those more efficient actions, an improvement is established for applications to raise the energy rating of the building to the energy label "A" or "B", in the scale of CO2, or, increase in two letters the starting energy rating.
Along the same lines, integrated actions are also encouraged, that is, those that undertake improvement in two or more typologies. In this case, the improvement over the initial percentage will be a maximum of 20%. To access it, the Prée sets conditions: on the one hand, one of the improvements must be on the thermal envelope and must involve a minimum decrease in overall heating and cooling demand of 30%; and, on the other hand, this measure must be combined with another action on the thermal installation that involves, at least, the replacement of 60% of the existing thermal generation power or, in the case of buildings of different use in the home, with improvements on lighting that involve an improvement in energy efficiency of at least 25% of the illuminated surface.
In any case, one of the types of action may be replaced by the realization of a photovoltaic solar installation or other renewable technology of electricity generation, with or without accumulation, intended for the self-consumption of the building. when its installed power is at least 10% of the contracted electrical power.
The aid granted in this program will be compatible with other aid granted, for the same purpose, by any public administration, body or public body, national or international, provided that the cost of the subsidized activity is not exceeded and both are met. following conditions:
• That the limits established by Regulation (EU) No. 651/2014, of 17 June 2014, are not exceeded for those final recipients who are companies or carry out commercial or commercial activity.
• That the aid granted by the other Administrations, for the same action, does not have co-financing from European Funds.