We would like to inform you that the call for grants has been opened for the rehabilitation of homes and buildings in the city, within the framework of the actions provided for in the Reactivem Reus Plan.
This call has two lines of aid:
- The program of aid for the rehabilitation of housing for the social rental stock market of Reus, endowed with 450,000 euros, aimed at private owners. The amount of the subsidy may be 50% of the cost of the rehabilitation works, with a maximum amount of 10,000 euros.
The City Council will offer homeowners a pre-assessment service to inform and guide on the improvements that need to be made to the home.
- The aid program for the rehabilitation of buildings to improve accessibility and energy efficiency, aimed at building owners, and especially the communities of owners, endowed with more than 200,000 euros, to carry out rehabilitation works / adaptation of the common elements of the buildings with subsidies of 50% of the cost of the works to be executed, up to a maximum amount of 30,000 euros.
With these grants, we want to increase the supply of affordable housing in the city, improve the quality of the residential park and boost the construction sector in Reus.
For more information please consult the website https://www.reus.cat/coronavirus/reactivemreus/habitatge , or contact by email: habitatge@reus.cat , by appointment https://citaprevia.reus.cat/ reus / # nbb or phone 977010071.