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Circular code: 53/14
Dates: from 2 to 22 June (3 weeks)
Schedule: ON LINE
Minimum / maximum attendants: 6/25
Duration: 30 hours
Teaching staff: Josep Romero, Industrial Technical Engineer, Professor of SolidWorks in various companies and training academies. He currently develops functions as Head of Projects and Technical Director, in different companies. Teaching functions in the master's degree in product design and industrialization, and in the Professional Real Estate Risk Analyst training course.

When writing reports, we need them to have a polished and tidy professional look, maintaining the personality of the person who writes them and looks nice to those who read them. In this course, we will learn advanced tools of Microsoft Word ® to our reports meet all these requirements and also create models that simplify preparation by the staff.

In the case of technical reports, it is usual to have to incorporate imported data from other programs into our reports, in this course we will see how it can be done and what are its limitations.


Day 1

  • Styles
  • Document templates
  • Numbering and bullets
  • Paragraphs
  • Page layout

Day 2

  • Footnotes
  • Photo titles
  • Content tables
  • Index marks
  • Comments
  • Text revision

Day 3

  • Protection of documents
  • Trademark Handling
  • Fields of form
  • Links to other documents
  • Table format

Day 4

  • Design of tables
  • Formulas with tables
  • Insert Excel tables
  • Insert graphics
  • Graphic design

Professionals who, when carrying out their activity, need to generate professional reports for third parties. Students who prepare for the completion of the degree course and, in general, all those who need advanced knowledge of the program for their professional development.

Documentation: Tracking documentation will be delivered.
What is the FTFE? The TRIPARTITA FOUNDATION FOR TRAINING IN EMPLOYMENT is the body that regulates, controls and administers the annual credit that all companies have to train their employees. With this credit, the allowances are deducted through payments to the Social Security, through the TCs. Who can bonify? Workers who are listed in the general regime.

EXAMPLE: A course that the price is € 100, where 100% of the amount is bonus, the company will have to pay - € 100 to the Social Security, through the TCs.
to bonify:
Request the forms at CETIT
It provides all the information 7 calendar days before the start of the course.
Payment method: Payment through your account number, which you must provide at the time of registration.
Certification: A certificate of accreditation and assistance will be given to the completion of the training. Those who request to discount the cusp through the Tripartite Foundation for Training in Employment, will also have a certificate issued by the FTFE.
Professional Accreditation: This training is competent to prove to COGITI your training.
More information:
