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Circular code:
Dates: Access to the platform 20 September
Duration: Three months


30 hours in webinar format, live and live online, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., except on October 20, which will be from 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

September: 20, 21, 27, 28
October: 4,5,11,18,19,20,25 and 26


The Project Management Institute (PMI) ® is the leading global organization in the development of standards for project management. It was created in the USA in 1969, and currently has more than 580,000 members in 170 countries (as of September 30, 2013).

Its purpose is to formulate professional standards in the management of projects, by using the same vocabulary and common procedures regardless of the country of work and the industrial sector dedicated to the professional.

In this area, the Project Management Professional (PMP) ® project based certificate from Project Management Institute, A guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Gui-de) -Fifth Edition, Project Management Institute, Inc., is the certificate of greatest international recognition for the profession of project managers in all the industrial sectors.

On the other hand, the Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) ® is the certification designed for candidates who wish to carry out their activity in the field of project management, but who do not yet have experience.

More than 580,000 certificates like PMP® in the world and 5,000 certificates in Spain (with an increase of 45% in the last year) give an idea of the exponential growth that is undergoing this certification, increasingly demanded in the field of project management, in any industrial or business sector.


Requirements required to opt for the PMP® Certification exam:

A) University graduates: 3 years of experience managing projects (4,500 hours) and 35 hours of formal education in the field of Project Management

B) Non-university students (undergraduate): 5 years of experience (7,500 hours) and 35 hours of formal education in the field of Project Management

Requirements required to opt for the CAPM® Certification exam: (Valid A or B):

A) Secondary and 1 year experience in project management or
B) 23 hours of formal education in project management.

Teaching staff:
Experts in Project Management Training and Preparation for the Certification of Project Management Professional (PMP) ® taught by a certified center in the preparation of the official examination (98% of Approved) from the Project Management Institute (PMI) ® to be Project Professional Manager (PMP) ®.

Throughout the course, the student will have a broad vision of project management through the project management guideline for project management (PMBOK® guide) of the Project Management Institute®, acquiring the necessary knowledge that will prepare to be successfully examined for the PMI certification of the PMI®.

Specifically, upon finalizing the formative action the student will have acquired the necessary knowledge and / or skills to direct projects through the study and practice of the 10 areas of knowledge of the PMBOK® 5th Edition:

  • Management of the integration of the project
  • Managing the scope of the project
  • Time management of the project
  • Management of project costs
  • Quality management of the project
  • Human resources management of the project
  • Management of project communications
  • Project risk management
  • Management of project acquisitions
  • Management of the interested parties

In the same way, he will know the 47 processes associated with these areas.

In addition, during the course, the student will be given all the necessary advice to properly apply their application or examination request to the PMI®, properly certifying the training and experience in Management of Projects required.


• Professionals with responsibility for project management, project managers, project managers, team managers or candidates to take up one of these positions.
• Responsible for departments of Services or any other with responsibility for the execution of projects.

Suitable for professionals from any sector that participate in projects

The price includes:
  1. 45 hours of training, with direct contact with the teacher for two months.
  2. 20 hours of recorded videos and 25 hours of live virtual classes.
  3. Diploma accrediting the 45 hours of training, required by the PMI to be eligible for the exam.
  4. Possibility of viewing the recording of classes in a deferred one, if they can not attend a session.
  5. Extensive own material (more than 500 pages), based on the main reference guides used to prepare this certification.
  6. Copy of the presentations used in the classes.
  7. Tests, exams, case studies, etc.
  8. Use of the virtual simulator in classes, to answer the questions and solve doubts with the help of the teacher.
  9. Personal access for the student to the simulator for two months, with more than 3,000 different questions to practice before the official exam.
  10. Support and support for the completion of the application for examination and payment of fees.
  11. Tips, suggestions and solving of practical questions about the presentation to the exam, based on our experience.
  12. Possibility to attend the next call for the course if you do not approve the first.
Payment method:
Possibility of dividing the payment in three installments.
Payment through your account number, which you must provide at the time of registration.
Certification: A certificate of accreditation and assistance will be given to the completion of the training. Those who request to discount the cusp through the Tripartite Foundation for Training in Employment, will also have a certificate issued by the FTFE.
Professional Accreditation: This training is competent to prove to COGITI your training.
More information:

Documentation and resources