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Circular code: 39/17
Dates: TUESDAY, from September 26 to November 28 (Tuesday)
Schedule: From 5:15 p.m. to 6.15 p.m.
Place: Headquarters of the CETIT, Av. of Rome, 7 of Tarragona
Minimum / maximum attendants: 6/10 (very limited places)
10 sessions of 1 hour
Teaching staff: Bárbara Pérez, Advanced Trainer in Hipopresivo Method M. Caufriez, of Bioritms, Health and Therapy.

The Hypopress Method was created by Dr. Marcel Caufriez, specialist in urogenital neurophysiology and one of the parents of Perineal and Urogenital Reeducation (late 70s). Doctor in Motility Sciences and rehabilitation specialist. In 1980 he created the first hypopressive techniques as an alternative to achieve a good toning of the abdominal muscles of women in the postpartum.

After a decade following researching and publishing his discoveries in several works, he begins to shape the first exercises, and static postures of the Hipopressive Abdominal Gymnastics (GAH) method.

By the year 2000, the world of Fitness came into contact with this method, as they began to see the great benefits that it can bring to other activities, which is why Caufriez creates hypopressive techniques applied to prevention (i not only to solve already existing problems), in the world of fitness and sports. The so-called Hypopressive Dynamics or Reprocessing Soft Fitness (HD-RSF).

In what
it consists:

The muscles of the abdominal and pelvic floor lose their function, support the internal organs in the area, due to inactivity, pregnancy, incorrect exercises ...

Hypopressive techniques are performed through complex physical rhythmic physical re-programming exercises that allow the brain's nervous system to modify the body and emotional scheme, and have the common characteristic of decreasing intra-abdominal pressure. With these exercises, we can return this function by re-scheduling the muscular response.

After many scientific studies (investigations and contrasts), it has been shown that the practice of these exercises with the Diaphragmatic Aspiration provides:

- Reduction of the abdominal perimeter
- Decreases back pains
- Improves sexual function
- Increase sports performance
- Solution and prevent urinary incontinence
- Predicts hernias
- Great method of preparation for labor and recovery
- Improved respiratory function
- Improve positioning and balance
- Solves and foresees the fall of internal organs

VERY IMPORTANT: Light meal at least 1 hour before practicing exercise.
Material to be carried: Comfortable clothes and a mat.