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Activitat anul·lada

activity For your company!

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Aimed at: This course is intended for all those professionals and managers who are looking to increase their personal productivity and improve their time management.
Dates: May 9, 11, 16 and 18 (Monday and Wednesday)
Schedule: From 4 pm to 7 pm
Attendees: Minimum 8
Duration: 12 hours


  • Effectiveness and efficiency
  • The trap of activity
  • The thieves of time
  • Urgent Vs. important
  • Eisenhower matrix
  • Delete before optimizing
  • The priorities


  • How is your personality in relation to time management?
  • Productivity leaks
  • Procrastination
  • The wheel of productivity and vital energy
  • Enneagram and time management
  • How to improve productivity according to our personality


  • The keys to productivity
  • Priorities and planning
  • Personal productivity tools
  • The personal information system
  • Task management
  • Telework and Productivity
  • Collaborative tools


  • Habits and Discipline
  • Movement vs. action
  • Habits that lead to success
  • Difference between goals and systems
  • The cycle of habits
  • Techniques for changing habits
Documentation: The documentation will be available on the platform between 24 and 48 hours before the start of the training. In the event that there is additional documentation after the training, we will provide it to you later.
Certification: Once the training action has been completed, students will obtain a certificate of attendance which can be downloaded to the platform.
  1. That productivity starts with oneself All professionals have the same time every day and the key is to know how to take advantage of it.
  2. That your problem is not a matter of time, but of prioritizing tasks and carrying out an appropriate change of habits when organizing your work and that of your team.
  3. To reduce interruptions and distractions; that alongside poor organization are great enemies of personal productivity.
  4. The secret to successful time management lies in working according to the strengths of your personality. Do you know her well In this course we will address different methodologies and tools that will allow us, among other things, to identify time thieves, assign priorities and differentiate the urgent from the important, in order to improve our personal productivity. These concepts are universal and to get the most out of them each person has to adapt them to their needs based on their character and personality.

Documentation: Once the training action has been completed, students will obtain a certificate of attendance which can be downloaded to the platform.


We manage the procedures so that you can benefit from the corresponding training bonus.

Discount Instructions:

1. Request the forms from CETIT at 2. Provide all the information 10 calendar days before the start of the course. 3. IMPORTANT NOTE: bonuses are carried out through external advice. Those who want to take advantage of the bonus for any training action, the price will be increased by 20% (which can also be discounted and recovered).

Payment method:

Payment through your account number, which must be provided at the time of registration.



Depending on the registrations made, the training action will be viable or not, which is why it is important that you notify the cancellations.

The cancellation must be communicated 48 hours before the start of the training via e-mail, if 100% of the amount of the training action will not be invoiced.

Images and recording of the course: we inform you that, in compliance with the provisions of the RGPD, the current legal regulations on data protection and Law 1/1982 on civil protection, the right to honor, personal and family privacy and the image itself, photographs will be taken during the course and in certain cases will be recorded and / or broadcast live. Under no circumstances will the name of the interested party be published. The image is used legitimized by the legitimate interest of the College to promote these courses and their possible subsequent viewing by the attendees.

Due to attendance, these images will be kept and while the course is uploaded to the platform. Once the time has elapsed to be able to view it later, it will no longer be uploaded to the platform and the images will be deleted with the appropriate security measures.

You also have the right to request access, rectification, portability and deletion of your data and the limitation and opposition to its processing by sending an e-mail to For more information on data protection rights, access our website:


  1. FRANCISCO PÁEZExpert en Desenvolupament Personal per a Directius i Professionals • Coach Executiu per ICF i Coach d'Equips • Soci Director de CMI Gestió: Consultoria especialitzada en Direcció Estratègica, Desenvolupament Organitzacional i Quadre de Comandament Integral. • Enginyer Tècnic en Electrònica Industrial per UPV • Acreditació DPC Enginyer Expertise • International Executive Program Georgetown University (Washington D.C.) • MBA Executive per Fundesem (Alacant). • Professor de Direcció Estratègica, Quadre de Comandament Integral, Productivitat i Desenvolupament Directiu en diversos programes Màster. • 14 anys d'experiència en consultoria de direcció d'empreses i desenvolupament directiu. • 20 anys d'experiència en llocs directius en el sector industrial, en empreses relacionades amb les tecnologies d'aplicació al sector bancari.