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Engineers Tarragona member of the Green Hydrogen Platform South Catalonia

Engineers Tarragona, the College of Industrial Technical Engineers of Tarragona is part of the Green Catalonia Hydrogen Platform for the energy transition and climate emergency in the context of the pandemic and the digital transition.

On July 8, 2020, the European Commission launched “A dydrogen strategy for a climate-neutral Europe” outlining the roadmap for 2050 to make green hydrogen a key element in the energy transition.

The South Catalonia Green Hydrogen Platform is a strategic interest group whose purpose is to create sustainable social, economic and environmental value through the implementation of green hydrogen as a key vector of the energy transition. This platform has promoter members, associate members, government members, ethical and social members and individual members. The coordination of this Platform depends on the URV.

Project chosen by the Government of the Generalitat

This project has been one of the chosen to qualify for the European Next Generation EU recovery funds. Among them is the project led by the URV to turn the Camp de Tarragona and Terres de l'Ebre into a leading region in the energy transition and tackling the climate emergency. The Hydrogen Valley of Catalonia project has a budget of 6,555.8 million euros of which 618.9 are chosen in the first year.