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Tax news for self-employed professionals introduced by the Law regulating the promotion of employment pension plans for 2023

The promotion of savings through the development of social security schemes for old age, both individually and at the business level, is a relevant pillar for improving the well-being of citizens when they reach retirement. In our country, as in the international order, the development of this type of instrument has occurred unevenly, and the products contracted by savers on their initiative the best unemployed, to the detriment of the forecast products social services, which currently represent only 25% of the total supplementary social security provision.

In order to reverse the trend, a first step was taken through Law 11/2020, of 30 December, on General State Budgets for 2021, with the reduction of the quantitative limit of reduction to the general tax base of personal income tax for individual contributions and contributions to pension plans and other social security systems, going from € 8,000 of joint limit to € 2,000 per year, and incorporating a marked differentiation in the tax treatment of social security instruments. business social security, a difference that increased with the budgets for 2022, lowering the limit to € 1,500 per year.

This rule introduces, on the one hand, two figures that consolidate the promotion of complementary social security in the business field: open public promotion employment pension funds and simplified employment pension plans; and, on the other hand, the fiscal and financial limits of the reductions by contribution to the social security systems are modified.

Thus, the First Final Provision of Law 12/2022 incorporates the amendment of Law 35/2006, of 28 November, on personal income tax, in particular, in article 52.1 and in the provision additional sixteenth, on the reduction limits and the financial limit of contributions and contributions to the social security systems, respectively, and with effect from 1 January 2023, the following is established:

In short, any mutualist who is a professional, understanding for whom he is a member and carries out the profession on his own account, who makes contributions to Mupiti, may increase the limit for both contribution and reduction of the base. taxable at 4,250 euros per year, ie the maximum amount per year will be 5,750 euros.