The Executive Council has authorized the Catalan Energy Institute (ICAEN) to allocate 968,000 euros from the remainder of the 2021 financial year to the preparation of the road map for the decarbonisation of the different energy consuming sectors of Catalonia with the 'horizó 2050. The preparation of these documents is part of the energy transition process initiated by Catalonia, which aims to achieve a decarbonised society by 2050.
The resources will be allocated to the preparation of four studies that describe in detail the energy demand of the different sectors of activity (primary, industrial, transport and services and domestic), and also an accurate description of the specific technologies of each sector used in the different energy-demanding processes, mainly in thermal ones. The studies will also delve into existing or future decarbonisation technologies that can be implemented in the short, medium and long term in each sector.
These studies will be drawn up in collaboration with the main economic and social agents of each sector in Catalonia. The result of this joint work must serve, among others, to analyze the foreseeable evolution of the economic activity of each sector with the horizon of the year 2050 and the evolution of the production processes and of the different energy technologies current and future for the decarbonisation of each sector.
Based on these studies, it will be possible to design the main energy and non-energy policies that should be undertaken in Catalonia to ensure that, from the current situation, each sector achieves decarbonisation without losing competitiveness. All of this will materialize in the form of sectoral roadmaps for decarbonisation.
Catalonia is experiencing a transition towards a new, cleaner, democratic and participatory energy model. At the beginning of the year, the Government presented the Energy Outlook of Catalonia 2050, a study that defines that it is possible to achieve a decarbonized society in 2050 if different policies, strategies and measures are applied intensively by the whole of society in areas ranging from energy saving and efficiency and renewable energies to research, education or the circular economy.