On September 18, 2005, the extension for the execution of the low voltage electrical installations in accordance with the REBT-73 is completed. We remind you that all the documentation of Class C must be presented to the College and the Generalitat.
The third transitory provision of Royal Decree 842/2002 of August 2, which approved the Electrotechnical Regulation for Low Voltage (REBT) and its complementary technical instructions (ITC-BT), established the specific procedure for what refers to the deadline for the execution of the BT facilities according to the 1973 regulations.
This provision allowed an extension for the execution of those facilities that had already been submitted before the technical documentation in the Autonomous Community, which were in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 2413/1973 of September 20 and for their legalization they require a project and a management of work.
Before the end of this extension, it must be remembered that all those professionals that took part in it, in any case before the next day, September 18, 2005, will have to present once the installation has finished, at the Col The law and the EIC concessionary of the Generalitat de Catalunya that corresponds to all the documentation of Class C in accordance with the Order of the Department of Industry and Energy of May 14, 1987 and subsequent modifications.