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Industrial Technical Engineering is the second most demanded race by employers, according to the Report on careers with the most career opportunities, prepared by the human resources group Adecco.

In this way, it stars in the biggest climb, as it has gone from occupying the fourth position, in 2012, to climb two more places, and is only preceded by Business Administration and Management (ADE).

Studies in Industrial Technical Engineering concentrate 3.5% of job offers, a proportion that reaches 5.6% if we take into account only the offer aimed at university students. Behind these graduates are the Industrial and Computer Engineers, in third and fourth place respectively in the ranking.

In addition, it should be noted that among the four traditional branches (technical careers, science, humanities, and social and legal sciences), the most requested by companies are still technical careers, with 42% of employment opportunities. Among all graduates, the report highlights that ICT-related Engineers have maintained their percentage escalation for ten years, a period in which they have gone from receiving 3.1% of job offers to the current 13.6%.

University graduates have slightly improved (0.5 percentage points) their presence compared to last year, so they continue to lead the supply of skilled employment. In some cases, this research is extended to a range of degrees in a specific area: more than 8% are looking for graduates or technical engineers in general.

Although international experience and knowledge of languages are also elements that companies take into account in the selection of young people, training is crucial when it comes to accessing the first job.

For the President of the General Council of Industrial Technical Engineering (COGITI), José Antonio Galdón Ruiz, "this is extraordinary news for the profession, which in some way comes to confirm the usefulness of all the actions that are 'have been launched by the General Council and the Colleges in recent years ", but states that they will continue to work harder if it fits for the many Engineers who do not yet have a job, strengthening our professional virtues in companies , and enhancing the industrial sector that defines us ".

Initiatives launched by COGITI for the employability of Industrial Technical Engineers From the General Council of Industrial Technical Engineering (COGITI) and the Colleges of Industrial Technical Engineers has also helped to improve the employment data of Industrial Technical Engineers in the labor market, with the implementation of the following initiatives:

DPC Engineers Accreditation ( )

The DPC Engineers Accreditation System provides the recent graduate with a professional degree, a certified resume, a personal brand, and access to a specialized job board. In addition to this, the accredited Engineer is required to have a continuous continuous training, which together with the curriculum certified by the College and the personal mark, offers a guarantee for the employer and a differentiation with respect to the rest of professionals, allowing you to place yourself in an advantageous position, and start an orderly and successful career. Through the DPC Enginyers Accreditation, and as a result of the agreements signed with the most prestigious head hunters, exclusive and quality jobs are offered thanks to the certified curriculum vitae of the applicants, which provides security to the bidding companies. In addition to this, the system itself offers the pre-selection service for resumes that most closely resemble the offer, reducing the time for hiring them. Since 2012, and to date, nearly a thousand have been published
offers, both nationally and in the rest of the world, having a great response among all participants.

First Integral Employment Platform for Engineers ( )
COGITI is developing a Global Employment Platform for Industrial Technical Engineers that integrates the services already developed in COGITI and provides complementary services such as Head-Hunting, Professional Coaching, advice on obtaining the first job, scholarships, etc.
The job vacancies (COGITI Job Bank and the DPC Accreditation System) will soon be merged into an employment portal that will incorporate innovative technological and management elements. For this reason, with the horizon set in improving employability, COGITI has devised the first comprehensive platform for engineers in Spain,, which will be launched next September. It is a tool of global services (information, scholarships, first employment, coaching, etc.) aimed at promoting the employability of Industrial Technical Engineers and Degrees in Engineering of the Industrial branch who are users of the same, and to support to the development of his professional career.

COGITI is developing this global employment portal, which uses the traditional elements of portals, ie offer management, candidate classification tools, etc., but with four innovative elements:
1) It is a sector portal, that is, it specializes in job offers requested by industrial technical engineers.
2) On the portal we publish job offers from COGITI members or external companies that want to publish their offer and use the tool.
3) The portal uses a technological surveillance system that captures all those job offers that are published in the 53 employment sections of the corresponding professional associations as well as in other employment portals to which it redirects.
4) It is the first portal that offers an automated video interview service.

International Mobility Plan
COGITI is looking for companies that offer professional opportunities in the international arena. This task also involves contacting the employment offices of the countries that are hiring the most engineers right now, as well as international head hunters.
The intention is to put our engineers in touch with job providers internationally. To participate in the COGITI International Mobility program, interested professionals must register and leave their resume in the database available on the website

Contact point in Germany
Through this office, help and advice is provided in labor matters, both to engineers who want to travel to Germany to pursue their profession, and to those who want to evolve in it, or return to Spain after their experience. professional in this country and continue his career here.
The "Contact Point" is located in Schwäbisch Hall, the headquarters of BERA, in the Federal State of Baden-Württemberg (Stuttgart region). It is one of the most industrialized regions in Germany, where there is a large deficit of this professional group.
The aim is to encourage the hiring of Spanish engineers in this important industrial area, through guidance and advice on various aspects, such as the requirements required by German companies, the necessary administrative conditions, the necessary language skills or the best alternatives to living and working in this country.

School of Industrial Development
The Fundación Tècnica Industrial, a non-profit organization linked to the General Council of Industrial Technical Engineering (COGITI), which in turn integrates the 50 Colleges of Industrial Technical Engineers of Spain, has created an ambitious project, called School of Industrial Development (EFI), born with the aim of fostering the main engine of a nation's economy, such as industry, a key factor in overcoming the economic crisis, and an essential basis for generating stability economic and employment in any country or region. The EFI aims to be a support and an aid to the managers and technicians of our Industry, through the realization of courses that will give in the Colleges of Industrial Technical Engineers, by professionals of recognized prestige with specific training in direction. business. In principle, it will have 6 technical care centers dedicated to excellence in production, management, processes and logistics.

COGITI online training platform (
The COGITI Online Training Platform already has more than 100 technical and professional courses, fully updated and has become the reference platform for training in Engineering. In addition, as an incentive,
all unemployed members who prove this will be entitled to a scholarship of 50% of the amount of the course they take.

Entity Adhering to the Entrepreneurship and Youth Employment Strategy 2013 - 2016
All the initiatives mentioned, and within this objective of employability, have been included in the Action Plan of the Entrepreneurship Strategy and
Youth Employment 2013-2016, from the Ministry of Employment and Social Security, and for which the General Council has obtained the "Seal of Adhered Entity" to the Strategy. for the concession of this Seal to the participating entities (public or private), the Ministry takes into account the implementation of actions the results result in facilitating the access of young people to the labor market, through recruitment or l 'entrepreneurship.