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The Congress is organized by Mediation International (MI), the Technical School Superior of Industrial Engineers of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (ETSEI, UPM) and the World Mediation Organization (WMO), and will be developed from 1 to 4 of July at the aforementioned University School (

The world presentation of In.Me.In. ( could not have been done in a more appropriate framework, since it is the main international Congress aimed at discussing the transversality of mediation, as an extrajudicial method, its progress and its future, and on its impact on the resolution of international conflicts.

This Forum is aimed at professionals interested in the field of mediation, and has experts from the five continents, who will participate in presentations, round tables, and certified training programs, all designed to improve their current abilities.

The team of speakers include important personalities in the field of the International Conflict, such as the Ambassadors in Spain of Afghanistan, Palestine and Egypt, as well as other prominent professionals from all over the world, including members of Amnesty International, Mediator without Borders, and other organizations in which some of the leading experts in solving international conflicts and mediation work.

Presentation of In.Me.In.
The president of COGITI, José Antonio Galdón, and the president of the Andalusian Council of Associations of Industrial Technical Engineers, Dean of the COITI of Cádiz, and member of the Executive Board of the COGITI, Domingo Villero, were invited to participate in the Congress, with two lectures.

In the first place, José Antonio Galdón presented, to the numerous public attending, the Institution that presides over, the General Council of Industrial Technical Engineering, and stressed the importance of publicizing the figure of mediation, to achieve its implementation, "which requires an effort of awareness among citizens to use it, as is the case in other European countries."

To do this, it is necessary to generate a "culture of mediation, in order to make society see all the virtues that have to resolve a conflict through mediation."

First of all, this resolution is much cheaper, not only for the parties involved, but also, ultimately, for society. In addition, the conflict is resolved in less time and with less cost, and the two parties end up being content, finding a solution to it. In this way, the judicial process will be resolved and finalized, and will not lead to the presentation of new resources.

For his part, Domingo Villero focused his talk on the interaction between "Mediation and Engineering", to discuss the added values that Engineers can provide in solving a large number of conflicts with a specialized and specialized component, and that this professional group can solve it in a faster and more efficient way. Likewise, it is estimated that mediation will help reduce the charge of proceedings to the courts by up to 30%.

Finally, the vice-secretary of the COGITI, Luis Francisco Pascual, explained the basic lines of the Institution of Mediation of Engineers, and indicated that he will act in the traditional areas of work of these professionals (Industry, services, trade, property, security, products and insurance). He also indicated that Mediation is a service to society, and a collaboration with the Administration. "In.Me.In has been created within the General Council of Industrial Technical Engineering, both for engineers of all branches, and for advising citizens on mediation," he stressed.

To this we must add the semipresential courses of "Mediation for Engineers" that are taught through the Platform for e-learning training at COGITI, with the collaboration of the Colegio de Ingenieros Técnicos Industriales.

At the end of these interventions, an interesting meeting was opened in which the congressmen were able to ask the President of COGITI all the questions that arose around In.Me.In., Such as the possibility of implementing a mediation institution similar in their respective countries.