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New version of the unified tool for verification of DB-HE 2019

This version of the Unified Tool LIDER / CALENER (HULC) facilitates the verification of the CTE DB-HE 2019 and issues a report for the Energy certification of buildings.
The sections of the DB-HE 2019 that allows to check the tool are:
3.1 and 3.2 of section HE0;,, 3.1.2 and of section HE1;
3.1 of section HE4;
3.1 of section HE5.

Other DB-HE requirements must be verified by other procedures.
The program generates the Energy Certification of Buildings report in PDF and XML format, with the necessary information for its registration.
This version of the tool allows you to import files from previous versions, in some cases requiring the checking or updating of existing data, or the addition of new data.
During the transitional period of voluntary application of the DB-HE 2013 (until June 28, 2020), version 1.0.1564.1124 (updated March 03, 2017) can be used to perform the checks according to this version of DB -HE.

Version 1.0.1564.1124 (Updated March 03, 2017)
According to the Informative Note on Procedure for the Certification of Energy Efficiency , from January 14, 2016, only the certificates of energy efficiency issued with version 20.151.113 (0.9) will be admitted by the registers of the Autonomous Communities. .1431.1016) from the Unified LIDER-CALENER (HULC) tool or later. Similarly, since January 14, 2016, CTE verifications must be made with version 0.9.1431.1016 or later of the Unified Tool, in accordance with this Note Note on the final energy conversion factors to primary school .
The new version of the tool is compatible with the digital files generated by the older versions of the programs, in some cases requiring the updating of data as explained in the tool manual.
The Unified Leader Calener tool includes the unification on one platform of the previous official general programs used for the evaluation of energy demand and energy consumption and the General Procedures for the Energy Certification of Buildings (LIDER-CALENER) , as well as the necessary changes for the convergence of energy certification with the Basic Energy Saving Document (DB-HE) of the Technical Building Code (CTE) and the Regulation of Thermal Installations of the Buildings (RITE), both updated in 2013.

This computer tool allows the verification of the requirements 2.2.1 of section HE0, and point 2 of section of section HE1 of the Basic Energy Saving Document DB-HE. It also allows the verification of section 2.2.2 of section HE0 to be verified, as established by the DB-HE, according to the basic procedure for the energy certification of buildings . Other requirements of sections HE0 and HE1 that are applicable must be verified by other means.
From version 20151113 (0.9.1431.1016), the tool generates the report in official format for the Energy Certification of Buildings, as well as a digital file in XML format, which contains all the data of the certificate and must be provided at the time of registration. The online application Viewer CTE_XML facilitates the use of energy evaluation reports in electronic format, for verification, visualization and editing, and allows, among other things, to issue pdf files with embedded xml, to incorporate improvement measures from of additional files in XML (or PDF + XML) format, incorporate the justification of singular solutions and issue an additional energy efficiency report aimed at DB-HE performance and design.

Also in this version some changes have been introduced that can be a variation in the result obtained when realizing the energy rating with respect to previous versions. The most significant changes, as well as other relevant information, can be found in this Note on Procedure for the Certification of Energy Efficiency .

To download the tool you can click here