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Roger and Alexandre, winners of the 2019 Christmas Postal Drawing Contest

As every year, Engineers Tarragona organizes, on the occasion of the programming of Christmas events, the famous children's drawing competition with the theme "Christmas Card", where the children and grandchildren of the members of the school, aged between 4 and 12, can participate. years.

This is a contest that is celebrated on the same day of the Arrival of the Pages of SS MM the Three Kings, where the little ones present their works of art and the pages decide the winners, in the two categories, the children's ( from 4 to 7 years) and the youth (from 8 to 12 years).

Roger and Alexandre, who are also brothers cousins, were the winners of the 2019 edition and on Tuesday, January 28 they collected the diploma and the prize, four film tickets for each of them.

The photo is accompanied by, on behalf of CETIT , Joan Pouget , Deputy Secretary of the College.

Congratulations to the winners!