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We remind you that the payment of collegiate dues has a favorable tax treatment in the Income Tax of the Physical Persons that can be welcomed by all those members that appear as such in the registries of ENGINEERS TARRAGONA . Thus, in the declaration of the Income Tax of Physical Persons for the financial year 2019, to be made before July 1, 2020 the satisfied payments may have the following tax treatment:

1. Employees.

In this case the collegiate dues are considered deductible expense of the returns of the work, as long as the membership is obligatory for the exercise of the work.

In this case the dues are deductible up to a limit of 500 euros per year. The amount must be entered in box 14 of the declaration.

2. Self-employed

The engineer who is registered with economic activity in the Treasury can deduct any expense that if he did not exercise, he would not have.

In this case, the collegiate dues are considered deductible expense in order to obtain the net returns of the professional activities carried out, there is no maximum deduction limit, so that the satisfied dues are fully deductible in the tax, as an expense of the 'activity.

The tax advantages of collegiate dues can be a substantial recovery of the same through the Income Tax