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A commission studies whether the abolition of the practical exam to obtain the installer card conforms to the legal system

This Legal Commission of the Generalitat will issue an opinion on the legislative project that will abolish the requirement of practical examination to the industrial technical engineers to obtain the certificate of Individual Qualification in low voltage.

The General Directorate of Energy and Mines, integrated within the Department of Economy and Finance of the Generalitat de Catalunya, studied the allegations made during the public information period that was in July 2006. After preparing a file, drafted a report that was addressed to the Legal Advisory Commission in order to assess whether they are in accordance with the current legal system. As you know, this Advisory Committee is the organ of the Administration of the Generalitat and of the local entities whose mission, among others, is to issue legal assessment opinions on legislative projects.

As reported by the Legal Advice of CETIB, which is monitoring the administrative process, the report entered the Commission on December 12, 2006 and it has three months to issue the opinion. Therefore, the deadline ends on February 12th. Then it will be possible to continue with the corresponding processing until the approval of the Decree. If the Commission issues a favorable opinion, the Decree could be available during the first quarter of 2007.