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Online debate on the future of cities

The Bureau of Technical Engineering and Engineering Graduates of Catalonia (METGEC) organizes a virtual meeting with an expert and two experts to talk about three key issues for the urban developer of the 21st century: self-consumption, mobility and the 5G network . It will be on November 27, from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. for Go-To-Meeting. Registrations.

As an association committed to the future of the country, METGEC is preparing a virtual event entitled "The future of cities, under debate." The meeting will address issues that are already marking the present of our cities and that will undoubtedly be of great importance in the coming years:

  • Distributed generation and self-consumption in cities. Talk by Albert Basté, industrial technical engineer.
  • The democratization of mobility, the keystone of the future. Talk by Nel·la Saborit, technical engineer of public works.
  • 5G, an opportunity. Talk by Sergi Figuerola, technical telecommunications engineer.

Sign up here.

The event will be moderated by Miquel Darnés, president of the METGEC and dean of the College of Graduate Engineers and Industrial Technical Engineers of Barcelona.

METGEC, an association of 13 corporations representing about 15,000 engineering professionals, invites you to attend and listen to what the urban planning experts of the future have to say. Date and time: November 27, from 10 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. Venue: Go-To-Meeting Platform.

More information.