Circular code: | 32/15 |
Dates: | from 12 to 21 May (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday) |
Schedule: | from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. |
Place: | Headquarters of the CETIT, Av. of Rome, 7 of Tarragona. If the number of attendance confirmation of collegiate in the Terres de l'Ebre is equal to or greater than the minimum stipulated in the activity, CETIT / AETIGT will organize, in the same modality, the training action in the facilities Tortosa's activities. |
Minimum / maximum attendants: | 10/25 |
Duration: | 24 hrs |
Teaching staff: | Pol Ansó Ros. Architect Master in structures. Energy studies and certifications. Trainer Designing and He has taught courses in different professional colleges and Generalitat de Catalunya among others for years. |
Targets: | This new tool includes the unification in one platform of the official general programs used up to date for the evaluation of energy demand and energy consumption (LIDER-CALENER), as well as the adaptation of these applications to the changes introduced by the DB-HE of the year 2013. Therefore, this computer tool allows the verification of the requirements of sections HE0 and HE1 of the Basic Energy DB-HE Document and soon to carry out the energy certification of buildings. |
Contents: | First session: Introduction to the building of almost no consumption. History and Physics of the building. The changes in the recognized tools for the certification of energy efficiency of buildings and in the verification of the new exigencias of the DBHE. Second session: The Unified Tool LIDER-CALENER General data: General data, administrative data, energy sources, general building options and images and other data. Geometric, constructive definition and operational conditions: Description of the work environment. Management of the database (libraries). Materials, closures, glass, frames, holes and thermal bridges. Third session: Options: Workspace options. Default internal enclosures and partitions. Geometric definition of the building: Import of DXF. Definition, creation and edition of plants. Creation and division of spaces. Horizontal partitions. Automatic generation of vertical locks. Both windows and doors creation systems. Shadow elements associated. Covered Fourth session: Geometric definition of the building: Elements of unique geometry and remote obstacles of shadows. Operational conditions Additional capabilities: Thermal bridges Special elements of the envelope: ventilated façade, solar wall, thrombe wall and others. Calculation of heating and cooling demands. Verification of HE1. Fifth session: Creation of systems. Calculation of consumption: Creation and editing of equipment. Creation and edition of the terminal units. Creation and edition of ACS demand. Creation and editing of systems. Correction factors. Additional capabilities of the system. Post-CALENER. Sixth session: Obtaining the energy rating. Verification of HE0. Generation of administrative documentation. Practices |
Recipients: | technicians in design, construction and certification of buildings. |
Documentation: | Tracking documentation will be delivered. |
What is the FTFE? | The TRIPARTITA FOUNDATION FOR TRAINING IN EMPLOYMENT is the body that regulates, controls and administers the annual credit that all companies have to train their employees. With this credit, the allowances are deducted through payments to the Social Security, through the TCs. Who can bonify? Workers who are listed in the general regime. |
Instructions to bonify: | Request the forms at CETIT |
Payment method: | Payment through your account number, which you must provide at the time of registration. |
Certification: | A certificate of accreditation and assistance will be given to the completion of the training. Those who request to discount the cusp through the Tripartite Foundation for Training in Employment, will also have a certificate issued by the FTFE. |
Professional Accreditation: | This training is competent to prove to COGITI your training. More information: |
Conditions: |