On January 23, the day on co-operation and energy transition, organized by the Ateneo Cooperativa del Camp de Tarragona - CoopCamp, was held at the headquarters of Ingenieros Tarragona.
The event began at 11:00 with a small presentation of the day by the Ateneu and with the participation of the head of the transport and flexible energy unit of the ICAEN, M. Assumpta Farran. Other speakers also included: Aleix Manonelles, founding partner of Enernou SCCL and member of the local nucleus of Som Energia SCCL; Alfredo Cano, member of the board of directors of Som Mobilitat SCCL and Arnau Vilardell, coordinator of Som Mobilitat SCCL and promoter of the Energy Transition project together with Som Energia SCCL.
Assumpta Farran emphasized that we have been clinging to infrastructure 100 years ago and so we must begin to build the future we want from today, from the fossil civilization to the renewable and digital civilizations.
Addressing the challenge, the need for an energy transition from co-operatism to a social and solidarity economy; what are the collective solutions to a collective problem, what opportunities and limits do the current regulations offer; The main objectives of the day were the values from which the problems of various experiences and concrete proposals that already work were dealt with.
The event ended around 2pm with an open discussion of questions that the attendees were able to ask the participating speakers.